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sustainable development goals onu

sustainable development goals onu

Regular price R$ 160.340,95 BRL
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Discover the transformative agenda set by the UN's Sustainable Development Goals to address global challenges and drive sustainable change worldwide.

In the realm of international development, the United Nations has laid out an ambitious framework known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

These 17 interconnected goals encompass a holistic approach to addressing urgent global issues such as poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice

By providing a roadmap for countries to follow, the SDGs aim to accelerate progress towards a more sustainable future for all

From eradicating poverty to ensuring gender equality and promoting sustainable economic growth, the SDGs offer a comprehensive vision for a better world

Through collective action and cooperation, the global community can work towards achieving these goals and creating a more equitable and prosperous world for current and future generations.

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